To be the respected leaders in education and motivating those innovators who conserve our natural resources for the present and future generations.
(309) 342-5138 ext. 3
Natural Resource Information Reports
A requirement under Section 22.02a of the Illinois Soil and Water Conservation District Act
NRI reports inform officials of the local governing body and other decision-makers with natural resource information. This information may be useful when undertaking land-use decisions concerning variations, amendments or relief of local zoning ordinances, proposed subdivision of vacant or agricultural lands and the subsequent development of these lands.
NRI Reports
Contain a description of the present site conditions, the present resources, and the potential impacts that the proposed change may have on the site and its resources. The natural resource information was gathered from standardized data, on-site investigations and information furnished by the petitioner. This report must be read in its entirety so that the relationship between the natural resource factors and the proposed land use change can be fully understood.
Due to the limitations of scale encountered with the various resource maps, the property boundaries depicted in the various exhibits in the report provide a generalized representation of the property location and may not precisely reflect the legal description of the parcel in question.
This report, when used properly, will provide the basis for proper land use change decisions and development while protecting the natural resource base of the county. It should not be used in place of detailed environmental and/or engineering studies that are warranted under most circumstances, but in conjunction with those studies.
The conclusions of the report in no way indicate that a certain land-use is not possible, but it should alert the reader to possible problems that may occur if the capabilities of the land are ignored.