To be the respected leaders in education and motivating those innovators who conserve our natural resources for the present and future generations.
(309) 342-5138 ext. 3

Knox County IL Soil and Water Conservation District

"Conservation means harmony between men and land. When land does well for its owner; and the owner does well by his land; when both end up better by reason of their partnership, we have conservation. When one or the other grows poorer we do not... It is the individual farmer who will weave the greater part of the rug on which America stands."
Aldo Leopold, in his 1939 essay
"The Farmer as a Conservationist"
About Us
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) were an outgrowth of a difficult period in our Nation's history. Their creation was hastened by a public awakening to the ravages of soil erosion, by the Depression, and the dust storms of the 1930's. The Knox County SWCD was formed July 27, 1944, under the Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law of 1937. The District is governed by an elected five-member board; each Director serves a two-year term. The Board meets publicly, once per month, to conduct all District public business affairs. The District has two employees that conduct business for landowners, occupiers, and producers within the County, including Municipalities. The Knox County SWCD is a stand-alone, independent form of local government; it is not part of any Municipality governance, nor does it operate under the authority of the Knox County Board.
A key mission of the District is to provide information and resources to students, businesses, communities, and the general public about the importance of protecting and conserving Illinois' natural resources.
SWCD Staff
Katie Ingle, Administrative and Education Coordinator, FOIA Officer
Kara Downin, Resource Conservationist, FOIA Officer, CPESC
Jennifer Delpierre, Soil Conservationist
Emma Molburg, Soil Conservationist
Kindra Pruett, Soil Conservationist
Cathy Froelich, District Conservationist for Knox, Warren and Henderson Counties
Tim Blackwell, IDOA Conservation Planner
Evan Laws, Farm Bill Biologist (Pheasants Forever)
Regan Baker, Land Conservation Specialist, The National Great Rivers Research & Education Council
SWCD Board of Directors
George Cummings, Chairman
Brian Friedrich, Vice Chairman
Christine Bewley, Secretary
David Asbury, Treasurer
A.J. Harland, Director
SWCD Associate Directors
Frank Hopkins Tom Hoben
Bruce Pecenka Joan Whitney
Terry Leafgreen Ted Mottaz
Don Moffitt Tyler Main
Monica Stevens
SWCD Board Meetings are open to the public and are usually held the third Wednesday of each month at the USDA Service Center, 233 S. Soangetaha Road, Galesburg, IL. Please call the office to confirm the meeting time.
The Knox County Soil & Water Conservation District offers all programs and services without regard to color, nationality, religion, sex, age, marital status or handicap.
Services and Programming
Technical - Education - Outreach - Partnership
Monthly SWCD Board Meetings are open to the public. They are usually held the third Wednesday of each month at the USDA Service Center. Please call the office to confirm the meeting time.
The District mails and emails a biannual newsletter to nearly 1400 Knox County landowners and operators. Please contact our office if you are interested in advertising or adding your address to our mail/email list.
The Districts conducts sales of tree seedlings, fish for pond stocking, native plants, native seed, Plantskydd repellent, soil testing kits, etc.
The Partners For Conservation Program is a long-term, state-supported initiative to protect natural resources and enhance outdoor recreational opportunities in Illinois. The program implements strategies for maintaining the viability of Illinois' soil and water resources into the 21st century and beyond. Illinois SWCDs help administer the program at the District level. The Illinois Department of Agriculture oversees the program's agriculture-related components.
Conservation Reserve Enhancement program (CREP) is an enhanced version of the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The CREP Program is a Federal, State and Local partnership designed to retire frequently flooded and environmentally sensitive cropland to achieve restoration and long-term protection. In Illinois, landowners implement conservation practices in the eligible CREP watersheds to reduce sedimentation and nutrients, improve water quality, and to create and enhance critical habitat for fish and wildlife populations.
NRI reports, per Section 22.02a of the Illinois Soil and Water Conservation District Act, inform officials of local governing bodies and other decision makers with natural resource information.
The information is useful when undertaking land-use decisions concerning variations, amendments, or relief of local zoning ordinances, proposed subdivision of vacant or agricultural lands and the subsequent development of these lands.
Due April 1st each year.
Requirements: applicant must be a Knox County resident, currently enrolled in an Agricultural or Environmental-related program at a college, have a cumulative GPA of B or higher, provide transcripts, and submit a typed essay (not more than 1 page) telling the selection committee what conservation means to you and how you plan to incorporate conservation into your future plans.
Knox County IL Soil and Water Conservation District
233 S. Soangetaha Road, Suite 4,
Galesburg, IL 61401
(309) 342-5138 ext. 3